Urban Parcel Delivery Robots
The 'Cifu' is a Friendly Unit for Dropping Off Packages

The 'Cifu' delivery robot has been designed as the latest piece of equipment that will enable a more streamlined method of getting packages delivered in an urban area. Boasting a simple yet functional design, the unit is able to be packed with whatever parcels need to be delivered and sent off to autonomously get them where they're going.
The 'Cifu' delivery robot is packed with a series of cameras and sensors that enable it to seamlessly navigate the streets of an urban area. Once the robot has made it to the delivery point, the scrolling display will direct users on how to access the contents before speeding off back to the base for its next job.

The 'Cifu' delivery robot has been designed as the latest piece of equipment that will enable a more streamlined method of getting packages delivered in an urban area. Boasting a simple yet functional design, the unit is able to be packed with whatever parcels need to be delivered and sent off to autonomously get them where they're going.
The 'Cifu' delivery robot is packed with a series of cameras and sensors that enable it to seamlessly navigate the streets of an urban area. Once the robot has made it to the delivery point, the scrolling display will direct users on how to access the contents before speeding off back to the base for its next job.
Urban Parcel Delivery Robots
Reviewed by Hamster Lucu
12/01/2017 09:02:00 PM

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