P2P Clothing Rental Services
'Boro' Lets People Borrow Apparel and Accessories from Other Locals

There are countless companies out there that offer clothing rentals, but Toronto's Boro is a start-up that taps into the sharing economy, making it possible for locals to borrow from the closets of others nearby.
Boro's platform lists items like dresses, accessories, tops and bottoms that can be borrowed from another user for the span of anywhere between four to 10 days. Through the site, only pieces with a retail value of more than $300 are considered for sharing, and the site claims that lenders have the potential to make more money than they would selling their pieces.
Once a lender has uploaded a photo and a short description of the item that they would like to share on Boro, the service's representatives take care of the rest, including cleaning and the logistics of sharing the garment with other users.

There are countless companies out there that offer clothing rentals, but Toronto's Boro is a start-up that taps into the sharing economy, making it possible for locals to borrow from the closets of others nearby.
Boro's platform lists items like dresses, accessories, tops and bottoms that can be borrowed from another user for the span of anywhere between four to 10 days. Through the site, only pieces with a retail value of more than $300 are considered for sharing, and the site claims that lenders have the potential to make more money than they would selling their pieces.
Once a lender has uploaded a photo and a short description of the item that they would like to share on Boro, the service's representatives take care of the rest, including cleaning and the logistics of sharing the garment with other users.
P2P Clothing Rental Services
Reviewed by Hamster Lucu
11/26/2017 08:13:00 PM

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